
MetaProfiler by MetaDesign

Conversation branding


  • Research


  • Study

Invisible interfaces – bots and voices – are becoming more and more important brand touchpoints. So far, most companies’ efforts aim on being able to offer voice control and chatbots at all, creating interfaces and providing relevant skills for Alexa and co.
But at least as important as the question of “what” is the question of “how.” How should the brand sound, what should it say or write? How does it react and what attitude does it embody?

Together with an interdisciplinary team of end customers, research experts, sound and language specialists, MetaDesign has conducted a study on conversation branding. The result is the translation of four strong established brands (car2go, Red Bull, Zalando, and Commerzbank) into exemplary interactive conversation profiles.

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How we started the project:

Using theories and methods from linguistic research, we translate brands from psychology into human personalities (using established personality inventories) and use their foundations to develop voices and language content.

How we created the solutions:

With a consistent user-centered approach, interactive conversation profiles were created, which provide a basis for the development of voice assistants and chatbots. Five stages led to the conversation profiles:

  • Discovering through The Profiler Lab®
  • Defining profile prototypes
  • Designing conversation branding
  • Testing with profiler survey
  • Delivering conversation profiles
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Meet our conversation profiles: Matthis, Anna, Julian & Thomas

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To read the full study and have a quick chat with our profiles, go to https://metaprofiler.com

Need more information?

Adrian Brill