Rebrand Di Di After 1 Di Di Sphere 1

DiDi Chuxing

A world-leading mobility platform


  • 汽车&出行


  • 品牌识别体系(企业识别/视觉识别)
  • 交互和体验设计(UI/UX)
  • 动态设计指导
  • 网站和应用程序设计

Founded in 2012, DiDi Chuxing grew from a taxi-hailing app into one of the largest and fastest-growing intelligent mobility platforms in the world. With more than 550 million users taking 30 million rides per day, it now boasts an ever-growing range of “one-stop” mobility services, ranging from ride hailing and car/bike sharing to rental and after-market services.

Rebrand Di Di After 2 Stationery
Rebrand Di Di After 3 Core Look

Our Strategy

Simplicity and a clear identity.

Rooted in the concept “More is Less”, we devised a dynamic branding outlook, using distinct color schemes and image styles to identify the Masterbrand and sub-brands values. As a result, DiDi’s entire branding framework became clearer, allowing customers to instantly identify different types of services. In addition to a stronger, more unified brand, this work made their core product – the DiDi Chuxing app - far easier to navigate and use.

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What we did

  • Developed an entirely new logotype for the DiDi Masterbrand
  • Designed and streamlined the visual assets for the Masterbrand and different business units/services under it: from fonts to colors, image style to illustrations.
  • Consolidated the new identity in a set of clear and easy to use bilingual guidelines
Rebrand Di Di After 9 Website
Rebrand Di Di After 5 Expressive Look

Our solution

Unified DiDi’s voice during a crucial moment in its plans for further expansion across China and into 6 new markets including Australia, Brazil, Mexico, Japan, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Rebrand Di Di After 6 Business units
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Rebrand Di Di After 7 In App ads


联系 MetaDesign 北京 +8610 85 88 32 58